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Inside 221B

Client: [worried] ...and he hasn't come home since Tuesday, and he always calls to let me know where he is and if something is wrong. He must-

Sherri:[Bored] This so called "Case" of yours is agonizingly simple. A child could solve it.

Joan:[Tensely] Sherri....

Sherri:[Ignoring Joan] -Your level of ignorance is astounding. It is clear...

Joan:[Tensely, growing louder] Sherri...!

Sherri:[Still ignoring Joan] -that your husband has left you for an affair.

Client:[Shocked, offended, runs offstage.]

Joan:[Looking over at Sherri, rather irritated.] We've talked about this. You must work on not-

Sherri:[Interrupting her] If the client cannot accept the truth, Then I will not waste my time trying to, as you say, "cushion the blow."

Joan:[Frustrated, turns away]

Sherri:[Frustrated] Joan! where are my cigarettes!? Where did you put them!?

Joan:[Ignores her]

Sherri:[Annoyed] Joan, where are my cigarettes...?

Joan[Continues to ignore Sherri]

Sherri:[Huffs away, fiddles with something out of view, comes back with two cups of tea] I made tea

Joan:[Turns] okay, now we can talk.

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